Friday, May 7, 2010

Parts and the Almighty Dollar

This week I set out to take car of the next step of my head gasket project, purchasing the new head gasket. Simple yes? NO! It turnes out, and I didn't anticipate this, that its strongly recommended to replace valve cover gaskets and intake manifold gaskets along with the head gaskets. So, a $35 head gasket turns into a $72 head gasket kit. Then I discover that the head bolts on my particular engine are no reusable, so a $72 head gasket kit turns into a $105 head gasket kit and head bolt set. The moral of the story? Do your homework (which I thought I had. I'm still so new to the auto mechanic world, that sometimes I don't know the questions to ask, to do the correct research.) and even then budget extra money for parts.

Since the parts cost more than I anticipated, and I'm on the starving college student type budget, it looks like I'll be aquiring all the things I need a little at a time. Most likely it will take the better part of the summer to purchase everything, so I'm gonna shoot to have the truck finished in time for the snow, this winter.

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